Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

Editorial Review

by Seymour Brenner, M.D., F.A.C.R. –

Dr. Emanuel Revici treats cancer in a manner unlike any other doctor in the United States-and probably in the world. He uses his own medicines. Over the years he has developed over 100 different medications in his own laboratory. I don’t know how they work, but I have seen their result. I am retired board-certified radiation oncologist. My practice specialized in the treatment of cancer with radiation. I have fought at the front lines in the war against cancer all of my professional life.
After more than forty years of seeing almost no breakthroughs on the medical front, it became painful seeing my patients for a cure. On numerous occasions I saw patients in tears. Just as often I saw wives crying for their husband, husbands crying for theirs wives and parents crying for their sick children. For four decades our offices were technologically state-of-the-art. We repeatedly spent millions of dollar in order to procure the latest and best radiation and diagnostic equipment available. Despite that outward success, I am still saddened from having watched so many people of all ages die.
Since 1950 the medical profession has made only minor advances in the therapeutic arena against cancer. The only significant improvement that I saw was in our diagnostic abilities. As a result, some cancers, such as cancer of the breast, colon, uterus and prostate have cure rates of 90 % or better if caught in Stage I.
I must state, however, that these four highly curable cancers become incurable if not caught in their early stages – stages I or II. Although the overall numbers say you have fifty-fifty change of beating cancer, the individual numbers say you either have 90% chance or very little change, depending on what stage the cancer is in and its type. Unfortunately, for a few cancers, such as pancreatic cancer, the patients is lucky to live much more than six months regardless of the treatment. Even with all-out effort to catch cancer earlier than ever before, the overall five-year cure rate has inched up a paltry 0,7% in the last 40 years.
It first became interested in Emanual Revici, M.D., not from the medical literature, but from hard evidence – that is x-rays taken at may office of one of my patients. I knew his prior condition because this was patients we had seen a year earlier. His cancer of the lung had metastasized to his bones. There was no mistaking in the patients. When I saw that his new films showed no evidence of cancer the remission. The patients told me he had been undergoing treatment by a Dr. Revici in Manhattan. At the time I was unfamiliar with the gentleman. Still I arranged to meet with him at his office. When I first met Dr. Revici, he was already 90 years old. He showed me enough “before” and “after x-rays and CT scans at our first meeting for me to schedule a second one. The “after” scans showed no evidence of any abnormality. From all outward appearances the three patients looked to be healthy. Dr. Revici also showed me copies of report from the patients’ private physicians who confirmed that the patients were now free of cancer.
I made a presentation at a Congressional hearing in March of 1988. At the time I proposed a sudy to test Dr. Revici’s Method for treating cancer. Once it is approved, the study will include 100 cases of cancer that the medical profession recognizes as incurable; pancreatic cancer, colon cancer with liver metastases, uncorrectable lung cancer and uncorrectable brain cancer. The patients are to be selected by five board – certified oncologist who will verify that each patient is incurable and that his or her life expectancy is less than one year.
Sloan – Kattering, NIH, the Mayo Clinic, M.D. Anderson, John Hopkins and many other outstanding research centers accept cancer patients for experimental trials every day. The patients who volunteer often decided to participate because they believe it might give them a chance they might not have otherwise. I believe it’s time to conduct an experimental trial of Revici’s medicines. These patients would have nothing to lose by their participation. From what I have seen, there is the chance that they would have something to gain.
Dr. Revici has cured many people who were otherwise considered incurable. It is my professional opinion that his medicines have worked for many of the patients whose records I have examined. Let’s find out if more patients and their families can be helped.
The fact that he has helped so many people means it’s time for Mr. And Mrs. America to push for a clinical trial of his method.


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